Bach Flowers and the Planets

Bach Impatiens

Due to the planetary configurations, affecting Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces; this is an important time to treat symptoms like depression, indecisiveness, fears, anxiety, directionless with the wonderful Bach Flowers.  As Mars/Saturn in Sag. brings on frustrations, limitations, grief, depression and suffering and Jupiter in Virgo/Neptune in Pisces cast the confusing indecisiveness, faithless and directionless energy we have been feeling all summer. Particularly if you are: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. These planets have been making a T-square aspect which is challenging to most. Here is a suggestion to help you get through this phase. I suggest a mix of Star of Bethlehem, Impatiens, Gorse, Aspen and Wild Oat for Mars/Saturn for depression, low spirits and frustrations, and for feeling rudderless, directionless, faithless due to Jupiter/Neptune opposition try: Wild Oat, Sweet Chestnut, Aspen, and Scleranthus.  For more information try most remedies are available over the counter at health food stores.




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